about us

Our mission and overarching goal is to Strengthen Ireland-China Relations

who we are?

Founded in 2012 by Pat and Chang McCarthy, the Ireland Sino Institute is a non-political organization dedicated to strengthening Ireland-China relations.

Headquartered in rural Northeast China, the Institute, funded by the McCarthys’ life savings, provides vital English education to students who might not otherwise have such opportunities.

Their commitment to educational initiatives, along with promoting exchanges, tourism, trade, and foreign investment, underscores their dedication to fostering bilateral ties.






In this photo, from left to right, we see Pat McCarthy from the Ireland Sino Institute , Minister Eamonn Ryan, and Ambassador for Ireland to China Ann Derwin at a St. Patrick’s Day Event held at the Irish embassy in Beijing in 2023.

our values


At the Ireland Sino Institute, we champion collaboration to boost tourism, trade, education, cultural exchange, and investment, fortifying ties between our nations.

Supporting the disadvantaged

Since its inception in 2012, the Ireland Sino Institute has been dedicated to enhancing education for disadvantaged children in rural China. The owners have invested their life savings and provided scholarships to ensure that all those who cannot afford an education can benefit from this mission.

equal development

The Ireland Sino Institute champions equal development, bridging rural-urban disparities in China through the promotion of various initiatives encompassing education, trade, tourism, exchanges and foreign investment.

Diaspora Compassion

Understanding the challenges and hurdles faced by diaspora communities, the Ireland Sino Institute supports the Irish community in China and the Chinese community in Ireland. We offer initiatives such as advocacy, educational programs, and essential guidance on navigating local infrastructure and services, all tailored to their unique needs.

meet our team

Chang Mccarthy

(Headquarters in China)

Chang McCarthy has significantly strengthened Sino-Irish relations through her dedication to rural education in Northeast China, particularly by enhancing educational opportunities for young girls. Leading the Changtu Women’s Federation, she champions gender equality and empowers girls, aligning with shared Irish and Chinese values of inclusivity and social betterment.


Her efforts, especially in involving Irish educators, not only address social inequalities but also bridge cultural divides, deepening the connection between Ireland and China through mutual commitments to education and equality

Pat mcCarthy

(Headquarters in China)

Pat McCarthy, hailing from Ireland, underwent a significant career transition from South Korea to rural Northeast China, motivated by his dedication to bridging the urban-rural divide and advancing gender equality. 

A key focus of his educational initiatives is maintaining an equal ratio of male to female scholarship recipients. Together with his wife, he invested their life savings into a non-profit venture aimed at enhancing English education in the region. 

His efforts have notably improved the educational landscape by recruiting Irish teachers, thereby making a substantial impact on the community.

At the Ireland Sino Institute, Pat has been a beacon of hope for the underprivileged, having provided thousands of free and subsidized scholarships to children from disadvantaged backgrounds over the years. 

More recently, he has shifted his focus to strengthening Ireland-China relations by promoting mutual development through international initiatives in education, culture, tourism, and business.

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