Education and Philanthropy News

Welcome to the Education and Philanthropy section of the Ireland China Blog. Discover articles on educational initiatives, scholarships, and charitable efforts that strengthen the bond between Ireland and China. Learn about inspiring projects, influential figures, and opportunities for collaboration in education and philanthropy.

Kerry Curran, Director of the Northern Ireland Bureau in China, alongside Pat McCarthy, Chairman of the Ireland Sino Institute

Northern Ireland and China Strengthen Ties

The Ireland Sino Institute: From Boundary Broker to Nurturer of Ireland-China Mutual Development. The Ireland Sino Institute (ISI) plays a crucial role in sustaining the sister city relationship between Belfast and Shenyang. As Northern Ireland and China continue to strengthen their ties, the ISI supports this bond through the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the joint college, CQC.

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General Michael Collins and McCarthy Link

Drawing Resilience From Michael Collins

Discover the Michael Collins and Ireland Sino Institute Connection. Learn about the transformative impact of the Ireland Sino Institute, a dedicated non-profit registered with the Ministry for Civil Affairs in Northeast China and affiliated with the EU Chamber and Irish Chamber of Commerce. Since 2012, the Institute has been a pivotal force in strengthening Ireland-China relations through its innovative educational initiatives.

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Exclusive: China Media Features Ireland Sino Institute

In September 2023, the Ireland Sino Institute’s rural development efforts in China were notably recognized by Chinese media and authorities. This recognition marked a significant milestone, highlighting the Institute’s impactful contributions to rural advancement in China. Pat McCarthy, the Irish CEO, was honored to be interviewed by Radio Beijing.

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Irish Philanthropy in Education: A New Chapter for Northeast China

Patrick and his wife’s journey to Changtu is a story of heartfelt dedication. They founded an English language institution with the noble aim of bridging the linguistic gap for children in Rural Northeast China. This non-profit venture, a true labor of love, was entirely self-funded, as they invested all their life savings into it.

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